designer, photographer & illustrator

Practiced in branding, layout, print & package design, typography, illustration, art direction, and a little bit of everything else.

Photographer focused in lifestyle, urban, documentary. Both digital & analog (but mostly analog).

Hobbyist illustrator with influence from manga, printmaking, and ink styles.

Other interests include food, language, cats, books, farming sims, and cold brew coffee, among others.


Graphic Designer

Extreme Arts & Sciences / USA (Remote)
2024 —

Creative Designer

Fullstory / USA (Remote)
2022 — 2024


Method Savvy / RDU
2021 — 2022

Graphic Designer / Art Director

Viscosoft / CLT
2017 — 2019


BFA Graphic Design

Savannah College of Art & Design
2013 — 2017