brand / event / promo — 2022
the first ever DXI conference
A single spark can be the difference between stagnation and exponential change — between kindling and a raging fire. Spark, the first Digital Experience Intelligence Conference, kicked off on October 3rd in Atlanta, Georgia. Spark brings together digital experience leaders and innovators for an event of thought-provoking DXI content. Spark is designed by digital experience experts to offer inspiring keynotes, result-driven sessions, hands-on labs for learning to use FullStory features, and opportunities to share best practices.
The FullStory design team was challenged with creating an experience unique to FullStory prospects and customers. The resulting identity utilizes FullStory’s vibrant pink and geometric elements, melding them together to make a visual landscape of momentum and inspiration for around 200 in-person attendees and over 160 virtual viewers. Within 3 weeks post-event, FullStory saw $88k in new pipeline from customer attendees, as well as $3.1m in influenced pipeline.
creative direction — Lana Roulhac
senior design — Oriana Lovera